[Télécharger] Beethoven's Folksong Settings: Chronology, Sources, Style (Oxford Monographs on Music) de Barry Cooper Francais PDF
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Beethoven's Folksong Settings: Chronology, Sources, Style (Oxford Monographs on Music) de Barry Cooper
Descripción - Críticas 'valuable work'Early Music Review, December 1994a huge achievement and is a welcome addition to the literature relating to the composer. Barry Cooper's outstanding contribution hails the beginning of a new era of interest and open-mindedness. (Brio, vol. 32, No. 1)...the most important source of information on its subject. (Choice)he is unlikely to have produced so many settings without a genuine interest in them, and we are here invited to reassess them. It is nice to meet with such enthusiasm in an academic writer. (Early Music Review 6, December 1994) Reseña del editor Beethoven composed far more folksong settings than any other type of composition. Most are British songs, including Auld Lang Syne and the The Miller of Dee, with text by such authors as Burns, Byron and Scott. Yet Beethoven's settings, commissioned by George Thomson of Edinburgh, have been neglected by performers and scholars alike, and nearly all accounts of them are both superficial and startlingly inaccurate. This book is based on a very elablorate study of a wide range of sources, and dispels the many myths that have been circulating about this music. Every one of the 179 settings is dated to within a few weeks and an account is given of the souces of the melodies and texts, the difficulties of sending the music across Europe during the Napoleonic Wars (smugglers were even called upon to assist!), the fees Beethoven received, and when and how the texts were added. By comparing Beethoven's settings with those of his predecessors Pleyel, Haydhn and Kozeluch, the author demonstrates that Beethoven comprehensively transcended the bounds of convention, producing settings of extra-ordinary quality and originality. Suggestions are also made for overcoming the problems of presenting these songs in performance. Contraportada Beethoven composed far more folksong settings than any other type of work. Most are British songs, including Auld Lang Syne and The Miller of Dee, with texts by such authors as Burns, Byron, and Scott. Yet Beethoven's settings, commissioned by George Thomson of Edinburgh, have been neglected by performers and scholars alike, and nearly all accounts of them are both superficial and startlingly inaccurate. This book is based on a very elaborate study of a wide range of sources, and dispels the many myths that have been circulating about this music. Each of the 179 settings is dated to within a few weeks, and an account is given of the sources of the melodies and texts, the difficulties of sending the music across Europe during the Napoleonic Wars (smugglers were even called upon to assist!), the fees Beethoven received, and when and how the texts were added. By comparing Beethoven's settings with those of his predecessors Pleyel, Haydn, and Kozeluch, Cooper demonstrates that Beethoven comprehensively transcended the bounds of convention, producing settings of extraordinary quality and originality. He also suggests ways of overcoming the problems of performing these songs. Biografía del autor Barry Cooper is Senior Lecturer in Music at the University of Manchester.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Beethoven's Folksong Settings: Chronology, Sources, Style (Oxford Monographs on Music)
- Autor: Barry Cooper
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
- Tamaño del archivo: 7 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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[PDF] Abkürzungen und Sigel. * Titel wurde nicht ~ S. (Detroit monographs in musicology / Studies in music, 35.) ISBN 0-89990112-3. Wiederabdruck verschiedener Texte, darunter HL 574, HL 575, HL 579, HL 586, HL 591, HB 199, HB 200 sowie (in englischer Übersetzung) HL 571, HL 572 und HL 576.
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