[Télécharger] Bach to Brahms: Essays on Musical Design and Structure: 122 (Eastman Studies in Music) de David Beach,Yosef Goldenberg Livre eBook France
[Download] Bach to Brahms: Essays on Musical Design and Structure: 122 (Eastman Studies in Music) de David Beach,Yosef Goldenberg Ebooks, PDF, ePub, Bach to Brahms: Essays on Musical Design and Structure: 122 (Eastman Studies in Music) Pdf libro
Bach to Brahms: Essays on Musical Design and Structure: 122 (Eastman Studies in Music) de David Beach,Yosef Goldenberg
Descripción - Críticas WINNER of the 2016 Outstanding Multi-Author Publication Award (SOCIETY OF MUSIC THEORY). Reseña del editor Bach to Brahms presents current analytic views by established scholars of the traditional tonal repertoire, with essays on works by Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, and Brahms. The fifteen essays are divided into three groups, two of which focus primarily on the interaction of elements of musical design (formal, metric, and tonal organization) and voice leading at multiple levels of structure. The third group of essays focusses on the 'motive' from different perspectives. The result is a volume of integrated studies on the music of the common-practice period, a body of music that remains at the core of modern concert and classroom repertoire. Contributors: Eytan Agmon, David Beach, Charles Burkhart, L. Poundie Burstein, Yosef Goldenberg, Timothy Jackson, William Kinderman, Joel Lester, Boyd Pomeroy, John Rink, Frank Samarotto, Lauri Suurpaa, Naphtali Wagner, Eric Wen, Channan Willner. David Beach is professor emeritus and former dean of the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto. Yosef Goldenberg teaches at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, where he also serves as head librarian. Biografía del autor David W. Beach is a renowned music analyst and historian of music theory who recently retired as Dean of the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Bach to Brahms: Essays on Musical Design and Structure: 122 (Eastman Studies in Music)
- Autor: David Beach,Yosef Goldenberg
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
- Tamaño del archivo: 8 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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