[Télécharger] Doctor Mozart Music Theory Workbook Level 1A: In-Depth Piano Theory Fun for Children's Music Lessons and HomeSchooling: Highly Effective for Beginners Learning a Musical Instrument de Paul Christopher Musgrave Livres Pdf Epub
Lee un libro Doctor Mozart Music Theory Workbook Level 1A: In-Depth Piano Theory Fun for Children's Music Lessons and HomeSchooling: Highly Effective for Beginners Learning a Musical Instrument de Paul Christopher Musgrave Ebooks, PDF, ePub, Doctor Mozart Music Theory Workbook Level 1A: In-Depth Piano Theory Fun for Children's Music Lessons and HomeSchooling: Highly Effective for Beginners Learning a Musical Instrument Libro electronico gratuito
Doctor Mozart Music Theory Workbook Level 1A: In-Depth Piano Theory Fun for Children's Music Lessons and HomeSchooling: Highly Effective for Beginners Learning a Musical Instrument de Paul Christopher Musgrave
Descripción - Reseña del editor Sample pages for this workbook can be viewed here: DoctorMozart.com/LookInside.php If you need the answer book, search for Doctor Mozart Answers Level 1 How This Workbook Can Help: Ideal for young beginners, the three Doctor Mozart Level 1 workbooks cover the following topics in depth: Level 1A Topics The treble and bass clefs. Match staff notes with keys on the keyboard. The C major triad.Quarter, half, and whole notes. Bar lines and measures. Time signatures. Level 1B Topics All notes on the treble and bass staffs. Draw lines from staff notes to the keyboard.Quarter, half, and whole notes and rests. Time signatures.Dynamics and articulation marks. Level 1C Topics Accidentals, diatonic and chromatic semitones, enharmonic notes, key signatures, scales.Tempo and expression terminology. A colorful certificate of achievement at the end of each book rewards students for their effort. After completing the Level 1 workbooks, your child can progress to the more advanced Level 2 and 3 workbooks, for success with music at an intermediate level. If your child is 8 years or older, you might find the Doctor Mozart Older Beginners workbook more suitable than Levels 1A and 1B. ( ISBN 9780988168817 ) Help Your Child Succeed with Music Music theory knowledge is essential for your child's success. Doctor Mozart workbooks use the piano keyboard and colorful illustrations to explain basic music theory concepts. This will help your child succeed with any musical instrument, including piano, guitar, flute, violin, and voice. Doctor Mozart workbooks offer: Entertaining, colorful illustrations, which serve as memory aids.Clear, detailed explanations in short, simple sentences.Highly effective exercises to ensure that your child understands every topic.Experience with writing notes, clefs, and musical symbols by hand, for learning that is deep and enduring.Free videos on the DoctorMozart.com website to help your child get started with music theory. Ideal For Music Lessons and Home Schooling Because each topic is explained clearly and in detail, Doctor Mozart workbooks are easy to understand for children and parents alike. Hence they are ideal for home schooling. As well, Doctor Mozart workbooks are exceptionally helpful with formal music lessons, no matter what other teaching materials are used. They are also compatible with the Royal Conservatory of Music® Basic Rudiments program and the Music Teachers' Association of California Certificate of Merit®. Music Teachers Reviews 'I have several of my 4 and 5 year olds using the Doctor Mozart Book. They are enjoying it immensely.' D.L., AB. 'Our Kindergarten and 1st graders especially love this book. I'm really impressed with how much they enjoy doing their theory work. If anything is going to get done during the week, it is their pages in Doctor Mozart.' L.H., LA 'I have been searching for a theory book which will enhance the piano student's lessons rather than bore them. The Doctor Mozart theory book is filled with everything for which I have been searching. The pages are colorful, and there are interesting, fun tips that help students retain information in ways not found in the traditional theory books.' J.K., Maple Grove, MN The Doctor Mozart theory workbooks include levels 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3, Older Beginners, and 2 answer books.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Doctor Mozart Music Theory Workbook Level 1A: In-Depth Piano Theory Fun for Children's Music Lessons and HomeSchooling: Highly Effective for Beginners Learning a Musical Instrument
- Autor: Paul Christopher Musgrave
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
- Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Descargada: 125 times
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descarga Doctor Mozart Music Theory Workbook Level 1A: In-Depth Piano Theory Fun for Children's Music Lessons and HomeSchooling: Highly Effective for Beginners Learning a Musical Instrument de Paul Christopher Musgrave Libro PDF
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