[Télécharger] Philosophy of Music Education, A:Advancing the Vision de Reimer Bennett Pdf Ebook
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Philosophy of Music Education, A:Advancing the Vision de Reimer Bennett
Descripción - Críticas 'The author is one of the few people who actually has something unique and important to say about the present state of music education in the world.' - Dr. John Kratus, Michigan State University 'This is a broad, sweeping text. While the core issues and perspectives of the previous editions have been maintained, here they are framed and explored in light of contemporary perspectives, theories, research findings, and curricular developments. This book examines the unique value of music and music learning, explains why school music education has been such a successful enterprise in the past, and proposes future directions for continued growth.' - Dr. Steven Morrison, University o f Washington 'Reimer is perhaps the most progressive thinker in music education because he is so knowledgeable and compassionate about current trends in philosophy, education, and psychology.' - Dr. Carlos Xavier Rodriguez, University of Iowa 'This 'revisioning' of his philosophy stakes some new ground as it adroitly and cogently addresses the tough questions faced by twenty-first century music educators. This volume is required reading for everyone concerned with the theory and practice of American music education.' - Dr. James F. Daugherty, University of Kansas Reseña del editor For undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in Introduction to Music Education, Foundations of Music Education, History and Philosophy of Music Education, and Contemporary Issues in Music Education. This text advances the philosophy of its previous editions into new territory, recasting it in light of emerging ideas and interests in philosophy in general and in philosophy of music in particular. The foundational concept-that the values of music are gained through direct experiences with its meaningful sounds-remains intact, but is explained and applied in broader, more inclusive scope, with a synergistic philosophical stance as the basis. Contraportada The first (1970) and second (1989) editions of this book played a significant role in establishing the philosophy of aesthetic education as a widely accepted basis for the field of music education in the United States and around the world. Few if any alternative philosophies were offered during those times, allowing the field to establish a strong, common bond of values and aspirations, powerfully fueled by the widespread adoption of this book. In the 1990s and to the present, professional philosophical work in music education grew dramatically, leading to a higher degree of sophistication and the emergence of more varied alternatives than ever before in its history. Confusion about basic values began to be felt, with concomitant loss of security and of a broadly shared vision. Fragmentation and disunity became a real possibility. This edition offers a synergistic solution to problems of professional philosophical uncertainty. It argues that what seem to be alternative value positions are better viewed as varied approaches to goals most music educators share, goals now encompassing a wider diversity of values than had previously been recognized. A key addition is the author's new theory of intelligence, based on roles rather than frames of mind. By demonstrating how each of various musical roles constitutes a particular manifestation of intelligence, he liberates the concept of intelligence from its traditional and continuing narrowness. The challenging implications of the philosophy are spelled out both as the conclusion of each chapter and as the culminating chapters of the book.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Philosophy of Music Education, A:Advancing the Vision
- Autor: Reimer Bennett
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
- Tamaño del archivo: 15 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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